Saturday, 22 December 2007

Hello Godwin Clan

He he! my first ever blog....
Hello everyone!
I can't wait to meet you all, but I am snuggled up in mum's tum at the moment.
Mum wanted to know if I was a boy or girl, but I curled up in a ball & wouldn't let her see...
I love to play games....

Saturday, 15 December 2007

Happy christmas everyone!

Hope everyone has as lovely Christmas, if you are passing Marlborough Rd, in Eynsham Christmas morning please feel free to drop in and begin the day with a mince pie and mulled wine!

With all our Love

Thursday, 6 December 2007

Christmas Spirit!

Its a very busy time for me at the moment with everyone buying Christmas presents! On a trip to the bank today in nipped into Borders and bought these lovely Santa russian dolls. Now anthony and I are pretty useless when if comes to Christmas decorations but I thought this was a nice start for this year!
