Thursday, 8 May 2008

baby Isla

Hello Godwins!
It's me little baby Isla Franchesca Robbins, I came to join you on 3rd May at 9.04 a.m. @ 6llb 10 oz. I can't wait to meet you all, but I am going to wear my mummy & daddy out first because I am so excited that I don't like to sleep much......
Nanny says I am like a little bird, Mummy says I look like daddy & daddy says I pull faces & frown just like mummy & Uncle eddie cuddles me and looks in disbelief like he has won the lottery....
see you all soon x Isla

Tuesday, 6 May 2008


Well done Becca and John welcome to the newest edition of the Family
look forward to seeing her very soon
lots of love
Amber Craig & Ben xx

Its a girly!

Congratulations to Becca and John!! Good news they have a little girl called Isla (lovely name) Cant wait to see you all. I really did imagine that she would have lots of black hair but I hear through the grapevine that shes a little blondie!! Cute xx
