Friday, 23 October 2009

Good morning everyone
WHERE are you? I saw Melaine Goddard nee
Allen yesterday and here are some pictures of her children Ethan (4) and Jaime and Hannah (2)
Take Care to you all
START POSTING AGAIN please I'm lonley
love Amber xxxx

Monday, 19 October 2009

Welcome To the Family

Congatulations and Welcome Home Jacob
To Alex, Rachael and Charlotte
all the Best
Lots of Love Amber and Co X X X X

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Hello Everyone how are you all?
Here is a picture of the kids reliving our childhood memories and a picture of mine and Dawn's children growing up very fast!!
Love to all
Amber XXXX
ps sorry about Bens bum!!!

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Well it's time for my first exhibition. The private view is on Friday 28th August at 7pm at the University of Gloucestershire's Summerfield Gallery. If you can make it there I can promise a glass of wine, witty banter and intellectual conversation (the wine I can provide, the rest I'm relying on you to bring with you!).

You'll be reassured to hear that it's not just a few of my photos on the wall, it's a joint exhibition with some proper artists (with letters after their names and everything), suffice to say there will be printmaking, sculpture and paintings on show as well.

Further details are on the poster, click on it to enlarge it to a readable size.

For a sneak preview of some of the shots on display head to my website.

Hope to see you there, Matt

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Looking Good

Here is a New picture of 79 Godstow Rd, It is back on the market so I have arranged for a veiwing!!! will update on how its looking!! When I've been to see it
love to all
Amber and Co xxxx

Monday, 18 May 2009

Hello Everyone it's us

Hi Everyone how you doing?
I thought I'd put a picture of my lovely children on! Don't they look good! well don't be fooled!!!
love to all
Amber & co xxxx

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

SPLISH SPLASH! it's me monkey......Uncle Mervyn

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Medical rebore

Hi all
Despite a slight blip in my health, I am still here. Ive had an engine rebore and an oil change but I have got to take it easy for a while to run my engine in. Thanks to everyone for their good wishes and visits. By the way, where have all you bloggers gone?

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Hello Godwins

Well here She is Emily Rose 8lb 3 1/2 oz was born on Tuesday 27th of January

at 6:38pm after only 1 hour 42 mins labour!!!!

So far she has been a good baby

love to all

Amber, Craig, Ben & Emily xxxx

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Congratulations Amber, Craig & Ben on birth of baby Emily Rose; we can't wait to see some lovely pickies.

Take care all our love Bec, John & Isla x

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Happy New Year

Hi there everyone

1st of all Happy 60th birthday Mum. Then, Hope everyone has a good 2009 i know mine will be buzy to start with as we are still waiting for Baby Emily to arrive only 2 weeks to go but they seem to be the longest weeks!!!

love to All

Amber & Co