Saturday, 24 March 2007

Nan in the garden at number 79


GodwinHQ said... very first post I found this picture the other day and it really took me back.Do you remember all those hours that we spent in the garden at number 79? Digging in the sandpit, picking gooseberries, swinging on the rope swing attached to the nut tree. I also remember the old slide which always left you with splinters in your bum!

GodwinHQ said...

what a lovely picture of Nan. Great times!

Can you remember the peacock Nan prunned out of the privit... Nan & I would laugh for hours as Grampy would grumble 'looks nothing like a peacock'

Oh and I used to pick all the pettles off of the rose bushes to make perfume and it smelt like s**t, but nan always said it smelt lovely to make me happy... needless to say I now by perfume!
Love BeccaX