Saturday, 30 June 2007

Well, I seem to have discovered a solution to global warming. Forget bio fuels and electric cars, the answer is...homemade ginger beer!!
To be honest, it was only the first batch, but it was enough to blow your socks off. It tasted like homemade schnapps or something - pretty foul anyway. Nevertheless, I persevered and you'll be pleased to know that the second and third batches are delicious, although I'm at a point where I think I'm going to have to keep two plants going simultaneously because the 8 pints per fortnight just aren't enough!

Friday, 29 June 2007

Mitchell and Webb

Is anyone else a big fan of Mitchell and Webb? Just in case you haven't stumbled across it yet there' a new series of 'That Mitchell and Webb Sound' on Radio 4 (which is where it all began). If anyone wants a link to the listen again feature here it is: That Mitchell and Webb Sound Tee hee! Dawn x

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Look I have made myself a contributer!

Hi again!
If you look to the right there is now a list of contributers AB with is me Anna and GodwinHQ which is all of us at the moment. And when I do a post (like this one) you can see its me that posted (AB)


Become a can sign in as yourself!!!

Hi All,

Dawn mentioned a while ago being able to sign in as yourself to post on the blog. I can sort this out. You will then be listed on the blog as a contributer. All I need to do is send you an invite to your email address. You will have to set up a Google account but this is very easy, infact the link will take you through the steps. Its just like setting up a hotmail account or other such things. If you want me to do that let me know (via email as I will need your email address) or if you are happy to carry on signing in as godwinhq then that is fine too! Please someone do it cos I want to see how it works!!!


Monday, 25 June 2007

OK, it’s not Port Meadow but we have our own floods here. This was taken last year near Cheltenham on the way to work.

Firstly, sorry for not taking more time to look at this blog before. I could come up with lots of highly plausible excuses about time and commitments and the dog eating my homework blah, blah, blah but no one who knows me would believe me so I won't waste your time.

However, what I have noticed is that as a clan we seem to have diversified (or infiltrated) into a wide variety of professions, hobbies, interests and locations. I've got to admit that I do less than I could to stay in touch with everyone (it's a sad reflection that it took a funeral for me to catch up with my cousins and extended family).

So in the absence of actually meeting someone face to face (heaven forbid in this digital age), if anyone has a website, email address, profiles or blogs that they want to share then perhaps we need to get a directory of them going.

Is there any way with this blog (I haven’t investigated yet) that we can create a sort of address book with our various contact details on, preferably one that is private to us? Perhaps something we could add into the extended info on the profile?


Saturday, 23 June 2007


Some of the next generation of the clan.
Jack, Ben, Robin, James and William, Jesame, Ella May and Kizzie

James seems to be doing his best to unscrew his brother's head.

I've been teaching mum (Beth) to use Picasa to organise her photos and even a technophobe like her is quite excited by it. It has a neat function whereby you can load pictures directly from your albums onto this blog so once mum gets the hang of it, expect to be inundated with photos. For anyone else who's getting to grips with digital photography I can heartily recommend Picasa (just Google it for a free download) and no, I'm not being sponsored by them.

Posted by Picasa

Heading to the river


Heading out to the river with the pram, brings back a few memories.

Taken by Beth June 2007
Posted by Picasa

Friday, 22 June 2007


OK OK which one of you Eynsham dwellers blew Newland Street up yesterday? I hear the lots of people had to be evacuated from their homes.....


Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Azorean Holiday....

hi all
we are back from our holiday in the azores and as you can see from our attire we went whale watching. our clothing consisted of a ankle length yellow waterproof mac and a life jacket. the trip was definately not for the faint hearted as the sea was rather rough! penny says very rough!! when we arrived at the whale destination the boat slowed down and we just drifted, it was at this point a large hole in the sea appeared in front of us. as we entered the hole a large wave decided to fill the boat. hence penny needs a new phone as her rucksack filled with water . the water then went in at the neck of her mac and out at her feet. but we did see whales so it was well worth it. sorry there are no pics of the whales as we had to use both hands to cling on to the boat. the rest of the holiday was very very nice.
penny and merv.

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Happy birthday

Hi John Happy Birhday hope you had a good day
Craig Amber & Ben

Friday, 8 June 2007

Happy Bithrday John!

Love Anna & Anthony xxxx

Thursday, 7 June 2007


Hope you have a lovely day.... he he! to all who don't know John hates his Birthday and will no doubt be a grumpy guts!

Here is a picture in happier times as John devours our house with a hammer....