OK, it’s not Port Meadow but we have our own floods here. This was taken last year near Cheltenham on the way to work.
Firstly, sorry for not taking more time to look at this blog before. I could come up with lots of highly plausible excuses about time and commitments and the dog eating my homework blah, blah, blah but no one who knows me would believe me so I won't waste your time.
However, what I have noticed is that as a clan we seem to have diversified (or infiltrated) into a wide variety of professions, hobbies, interests and locations. I've got to admit that I do less than I could to stay in touch with everyone (it's a sad reflection that it took a funeral for me to catch up with my cousins and extended family).
So in the absence of actually meeting someone face to face (heaven forbid in this digital age), if anyone has a website, email address, profiles or blogs that they want to share then perhaps we need to get a directory of them going.
Is there any way with this blog (I haven’t investigated yet) that we can create a sort of address book with our various contact details on, preferably one that is private to us? Perhaps something we could add into the extended info on the profile?