Saturday, 30 June 2007

Well, I seem to have discovered a solution to global warming. Forget bio fuels and electric cars, the answer is...homemade ginger beer!!
To be honest, it was only the first batch, but it was enough to blow your socks off. It tasted like homemade schnapps or something - pretty foul anyway. Nevertheless, I persevered and you'll be pleased to know that the second and third batches are delicious, although I'm at a point where I think I'm going to have to keep two plants going simultaneously because the 8 pints per fortnight just aren't enough!


ALF said...

hi Dawn I tasted Mums and like yours was just a little TOO strong!!
Amber xx

Custom Made said...

Hi Dawn,
My friend Doug is also making giner beer at the moment, very tasty too. We had a few ginger beer and vodkas the other night- very nice indeed!