Sunday, 22 July 2007

floods on the Meadow

hey its me again I went down to the meadow this afternoon and saw this, in fact it is higher than that now, this picture was on the bbc oxford web site!!!
hope you are all keeping dry
love to all Amber x


GodwinHQ said...

hi amber
very nice photo, well composed. how did you manage to make the heron pose for you? penny says , did you glue him to the seat?

GodwinHQ said...

well uncle Mervyn its my photography skills!! (No not really) I got the picture off the net and i think the bird is really a sea gull sitting there.

Custom Made said...

Oh Anber you shouldnt have let on that it wasnt you who took the pic!

Amber said...

I know but i can't let on i got some more pictures that i took so will post them soon we went through Crawley yesterday and that too was VERY flooded but witney was nearly clear.