Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Back from Chicago.....

Hi everyone!

Anthony and I had a great time in Chicago, we should have got some top tips from Todd but didnt get round to it. Still I think we explored the city pretty well. If you fancy having a look at some pics from the fair I did click HERE



Anonymous said...

Anna, good to hear that you had a good trip.We'd love to hear more about where you went, where you stayed and what you got up to in the windy city! Sorry we didn't get in touch before you left. Perhaps we should set a time and place and anyone who fancies it can come along. What do you reckon?

Amber said...

Hi Dawn I that sounds like a great Idea catching up on everyone and not to lose touch with each other
Amber xx

Anonymous said...

I relly like that idea.....we should put it into action!