Thursday, 15 November 2007

Dave making use of the NHS.

Hello from Dave in gloucester hospital.Gardening could do this to you!Fortunately he did not damage his

bricklaying ,or he would have been upset. Hopefully he will have his repairs done this weekend.
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Amber said...

hi Aunty Beth hope all goes well with the operation give Uncle Dave our love and hope he gets better soon well the Galloways used them enough over the last 2 years now its some body else turn!!

Anonymous said...

Get well soon uncle dave, hope your op goes ok today...

GodwinHQ said...

Hi Dave
Sorry about your accident I too laid a few bricks last week but only managed to break a spade. Get well soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi uncle Dave, get well soon.

oh dear John has to lay some bricks soon and he is very clumsy indeed... I have a feeling he may be in the oxford JR before baby robbins & me.

Take good care

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping that everything went well with the op. Get well soon!