Thursday, 3 May 2007


Hi there,
If anyone is interested Custom Made has been featured in a couple of magazines this week. You can have a look on my other blog



GodwinHQ said...

love the mushroom purse!

Anonymous said...

You superstar! I'm so proud that you're my cousin! Will you still speak to us now that you're famous??

Anonymous said...

Dont worry Dawn I'm still the same- Butler's are never seduced by the trappings of fame te he! More shameless plugging/showing off in a couple of weeks as I'm in some more mags! Look out!!!

Anonymous said...

Anna, I look back to when we at school and you came into my maths lesson and I was so proud to have my cousin with me in my class...

I remember you not knowing what you wanted to do for a career... well there is no doubt you have done an absolute marvellous job...the hole custom made philosophy is really lovely and personel and your personality shines through.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh yes I was re-taking my GCSE maths while I was doing my A levels!!! Hmmm maths was never my strong point!!! Never mind!