Hello Goblins!
Just to let you know that I have finally embarked on the great Ginger Beer quest and have started a plant! The fresh yeast was a bit weird, it came in a block like a bar of saop (like I remembered it) but the instructions said to stir till it became liquid. Well, after being a little sceptical and fighting the urge to call my mum (some things never change), suprise, surprise, it became liquid! I will be feeding it religiously for the next 10 days at which point I will be dividing my plant and will have a spare plant. If anyone wants to join the quest, let me know. I'll keep you posted and will let you know how things progress. First batch will be ready 3rd June, so perhaps I should find a way of dropping off a batch for the family picnic so that it can be sampled by a panel of experts?
Dawn I am impressed! Hmmmm do you really want such a panel of connoisseurs unleashed on your beer? Its a daring move
hi dawn
where did you get the bottles from?
Hello Uncle Mervyn,
Sorry, I cheated and found an image on Google rather than take piccies of my less exciting D&G's plastic Ginger Beer bottles. They're gorgeous aren't they? Do you still collect bottles? How's your collection looking?
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