Monday, 30 April 2007

Hi all, finally found time to sit and read blogs. It is a great way to keep in touch and will definitely keep Nan and Gramp's memories alive.

Congratulations Lisa on your new arrival! Hope you are all keeping well and Elliot is relishing being the big brother.

I am going to mum's for half term in May and on my way back through to London wondered if anyone would like to meet for a picnic down the river, weather permitting? The boys have never been down to play by the river and we could either go to the spinney or near the bathing place. It would be lunch time on Sunday 3rd June.

I have inherited a book which I gave to Nan years ago for her to write memories, poems or thoughts in. It has been wonderful to read the things Nan felt were important to her and I thought I would share a quote that Nan has signed as "Peggy", so I think she may have written it herself as everything else in the book has the source written beneath it.

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I cannot see you.
Walk beside me and be my friend."

Hope to see a few of you in June,


Friday, 27 April 2007

79 godstow road garden

hi all
dont forget if any of the family would like plants from nans garden please help yourselves

Friday, 20 April 2007

Nanny’ s Memories.

Have you ever wondered where Nanny got her sense of humour?

A sooty story.

A story I remember very well from my childhood. We had a very dear uncle who went to live in London.After winning a scholarship to Culham college he had become a teacher in London where he met and married very lady-like Aunty Dolly.
When they came on a visit, we children called her Queen Mary, o.ften looking very queen-like in her flowing georgette dresses. On one visit we were having a very lavish afternoon tea.(Aunt Dolly in daffodil georgette ) It was a very cold Easter. Mother had urged Father to make a huge fire in the open fireplace. It was soon blazing beautifully when suddenly there was a tremendous roar – the chimney was on fire! Mother looked accusingly at Father who had only swept the chimney a couple of days before, but he had a little trouble with the brush. It would not come down so Father being Father had left it up there.How did he know it would catch fire at such an unfortunate time ?
Down came the brush, soot and and all, showering the beautifully laid table, Auntie Dolly, and yellow georgette with a fine layer of soot. Father , by this time, was helpless in the kitchen, shoulders shaking. He always saw the funny side of everything.
Poor Auntie Dolly. I don’t remember what happened about her lovely dress, but they quickly left for London in the morning. My brother went up the very wide old chimney with water and some cloths and put out the fire. An old wooden beam had nearly caught on fire. Mother did not let Father sweep any more chimneys!

posted by Beth

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Button Brooches

Hi everyone,
Here are a couple of the brooches I made from the buttons Nan gave to me. Sorry the picture isnt very good! If anyone would like one let me know. Just email your address and I will send you one.


Sunday, 15 April 2007

new baby

to lisa and cecil and elliot
congratulations on your new arrival
penny and mervyn

Friday, 13 April 2007

Happy New Baby!

We're so thrilled for you all. Hugs and kisses to Lisa, Cecil, Elliot and little Alexa. Can't wait to see pictures! With love from Dawn, Todd and the girls x

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Congraulations to Lisa,cecil And Elliot
well done to the 15th great grand child and in to the godwin clan
lots of love Craig,Amber & Ben

Congratulations Lisa, Cecil & Elliott!

Congratulations to you all on birth of baby Alexa, what a gorgeous name! we wish you all the happiness in the world

Love always Becca & John XXXXX

Wednesday, 11 April 2007


I wanted to show everyone the bag of buttons Nan gave me a little while ago! I'm busy sorting them as we speak and I'm going to make some lovely things wih them. I will keep you posted!

Monday, 9 April 2007

Hello Everyone,
here's the original GINGER BEER recipe as given to me by Nan.

2oz fresh yeast,
2level tablespoons sugar
2 level tablespoons ginger
1/2 pint water

1 Blend yeast and sugar until liquid
2 Add ginger and water and stir well
pour into covered jar.


stir in 1 level teaspoon sugar
1 level teaspoon ginger


Dissolve 18 oz of sugar in 1 1/2pints water.
Bring to boil then cool slightly.Add juice of two lemons

Strain ginger beer plant through fine muslin and add liquid to syrup and lemon juice and 6 more pints of water.
Stir well and bottle at once in strong screw top bottles.
Store in cool place,ready in two weeks.


Halve the left over sediment and place in two jars,add 1/2 pint of water, 2level teaspoons of sugar and ginger.Stir and cover and feed as each day.One plant may be discarded or passed on to someone else.


Sunday, 8 April 2007


Hi all, hope you have a lovely Easter! I will be o.k because the Easter Bunny 'alias' Mum has just delivered chocolate... some of it for John, but we all know he won't get a look in.

Love to all
Gready Gutts!

Happy Easter to you all hope you have a lazy day eating lots of chocolates & watching rubbish on the telly or weeding your gardens in the wonderful sun, this is a picture of Auntie Beths garden
love Amber xx

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Think a bout this

Hi all
They say its the early bird that catches the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese

As usual Nan laughing and Grampy sleeping

Hello everyone I finally sussed this out without asking Craig to help me!!!! hpoe all are keeping good Sorry uncle mervyn didnt forget your Birthday i didnt know how to do this till now so "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Amber xx

Monday, 2 April 2007

Thanks everyone!

Thank you to everyone who has posted. Its pretty easy right? Please urge your parents to post. Aunty Sally and Dad/Uncle Mervyn have already, I'm really pleased about that, and please please remember to sign your name on a post or we wont know who its from!

Sunday, 1 April 2007

birthday thanks

Hi all
Many thanks to everyone who sent me cards and birthday greetings on our blog also many thanks to anna and anthony for letting us spend some time with them in spain. i am sorry i moaned about getting in and out of the JIMNY. thanks to david and denise for taking me to see wilco johnson last night in stratford
keep on bloggin

Happy Birthday Uncle Mervyn!

Hope you had a lovely Holiday and have a great Birthday....

Love becca & John X

p.s. perhaps everyone could pop their Birthdays on the comments on this post, as it would be great to for us to celebrate everyones Birthday on the blog......

Happy Birthday Uncle Mervyn!

Hope you have a lovely day!

Love from Dawn, Todd, Jesame & Kizzy x