Friday, 20 April 2007

Nanny’ s Memories.

Have you ever wondered where Nanny got her sense of humour?

A sooty story.

A story I remember very well from my childhood. We had a very dear uncle who went to live in London.After winning a scholarship to Culham college he had become a teacher in London where he met and married very lady-like Aunty Dolly.
When they came on a visit, we children called her Queen Mary, o.ften looking very queen-like in her flowing georgette dresses. On one visit we were having a very lavish afternoon tea.(Aunt Dolly in daffodil georgette ) It was a very cold Easter. Mother had urged Father to make a huge fire in the open fireplace. It was soon blazing beautifully when suddenly there was a tremendous roar – the chimney was on fire! Mother looked accusingly at Father who had only swept the chimney a couple of days before, but he had a little trouble with the brush. It would not come down so Father being Father had left it up there.How did he know it would catch fire at such an unfortunate time ?
Down came the brush, soot and and all, showering the beautifully laid table, Auntie Dolly, and yellow georgette with a fine layer of soot. Father , by this time, was helpless in the kitchen, shoulders shaking. He always saw the funny side of everything.
Poor Auntie Dolly. I don’t remember what happened about her lovely dress, but they quickly left for London in the morning. My brother went up the very wide old chimney with water and some cloths and put out the fire. An old wooden beam had nearly caught on fire. Mother did not let Father sweep any more chimneys!

posted by Beth


Anonymous said...

Hello Aunty Beth, Good to see you on the blog! Love the story!

Anonymous said...

I remember Nanny telling this story! She had such a wicked sense of humour!
By the way, Aunty Beth, I loved the poem about Nanny that you left on the fireplace at number 79. It's beautiful. I didn't know that you were such a good poet. I also thought that Uncle Dave's piece captured Nan so well.

Anonymous said...

Morning Aunty Beth, what a good start to Saturday morning I had not heard that story... thank you very much for sharing that one with us.

love becca