Hi! I wanted to show everyone the bag of buttons Nan gave me a little while ago! I'm busy sorting them as we speak and I'm going to make some lovely things wih them. I will keep you posted! Anna
Nan was so good with her needlework ... some thing which I unfortunately I did not inherit... I can't even sew on a button!
Take this opportunity to thank Aunty Penny on behalf of Alex & I as we do need to call on her help and advice now & again.
I would always look in admiration as Nan would darn grampy's socks & 'the sewing basket's with a flowery material that had a drawstring top that she made us'
Can anyone remember some of the other things ... the easter baskets with crepe straw, cream eggs & yelo chicks . Oh & a pair of new pants!
Nan made me a bag for my brace so that I could wear it round my neck. I was always losing it. One time it ended up in Mr....what was the name of the family that used to love in the big house beyond Nan and Gramps? They had a huge garden that extended right down to the Rookery? Anyway, my brace ended up in their garden. My brace bag was made of sofa material. It was mustard coloured and was lined with flowery blue fabric. Oh! And she made me a purse one Christmas out of the same fabric. i I used it for YEARS to keep my tampons in! Sorry guys TMI I'm sure.
oh i remember that BIG bag of buttons they were in a cloth bag that Nan made!!
Amber xx
A lot of them are still in the bag. Its going to ttake me ages to sort them out!
Nan was so good with her needlework ... some thing which I unfortunately I did not inherit... I can't even sew on a button!
Take this opportunity to thank Aunty Penny on behalf of Alex & I as we do need to call on her help and advice now & again.
I would always look in admiration as Nan would darn grampy's socks & 'the sewing basket's with a flowery material that had a drawstring top that she made us'
Can anyone remember some of the other things ... the easter baskets with crepe straw, cream eggs & yelo chicks . Oh & a pair of new pants!
Oh yes!!!! I pair of new pants in the basket!!!!
And socks
What about when Nan knitted all the girls some slippers at Christmas...Legendary, can anyone remember what the boys got ?
I cant remember but I still have the slippers
Nan made me a bag for my brace so that I could wear it round my neck. I was always losing it. One time it ended up in Mr....what was the name of the family that used to love in the big house beyond Nan and Gramps? They had a huge garden that extended right down to the Rookery? Anyway, my brace ended up in their garden. My brace bag was made of sofa material. It was mustard coloured and was lined with flowery blue fabric. Oh! And she made me a purse one Christmas out of the same fabric. i
I used it for YEARS to keep my tampons in! Sorry guys TMI I'm sure.
Ahhh thats too cute Dawn!
Mrs oliver was the name of the lady who lived there
Amber xx
Oh that's right! Good memory Amber x
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